My Versatile Blogger Nomination

Words cannot describe what I’m feeling right now.  I’ve noticed this “Versatile Blogger” award going around amongst other writers and I was thinking, “…that’s really nice.”  I did not think that I would receive such an honor.  Why?  1.  I’m such a newbie at this.  Although my page is bland, my writings are full of color.  2.  Who even KNOWS me that I would receive one?  I am really awe-struck right now to get he nod from my sister from another land Maria at

This whole blogging thing started with me a while ago when I began my quest to write a children’s book.  I logged on to and met a woman by the name of Susan who shared her blog with me and her art.  She is THE first person I followed on a blog, and continue to this very day.  My own blog had been under construction for a couple of years now.  It was recently that I decided during my injury and setback of rotator cuff surgery that I would post…giving you (and myself) more.

As I followed the other bloggers I saw that you should write 7 things about yourself.  I think I can do that.  Here you go (randomly):

1. My son told me the other day that I have a loud laugh.

2. My girlfriend says that I’m playful (sometimes).

3. She also says that I’m a good singer.

4. I consider myself to be like a chameleon, changing hairstyles from curly to bald (depending on the season).

5. I love birds….love them.

6. I eat my french fries two at a time so they’re not lonely.

7. I have an uncanny ability to match my shoes with whatever I wear (Polo shoes).

Now, I would like to take the time to make my own nominations. (THIS is the Susan I mentioned prior), without you I would not know what a WordPress is.  Thank you. because there is a LOT of versatility in this blog site…from novels to poetry which I love. because I think I’m going to learn a lot from her + she has a LOT of awards.  She’s my idol right now. because he’s now following me, and I love the feel of his page.  I love Haiku’s.  He’s got ’em. My man David Aston.  I met him through Fastpencil. This is my baby brother (poetically) from India.  Maria is correct…he is growing very quickly as far as his writing is concerned.  I would know.

Are more than one nomination allowed?  I saw someone with THREE nods in a day!  Last but now least is the queen of & an aforementioned nominee If you only knew how much her and I are learning from each other.  Isn’t that what this is all about?  If it weren’t for you I would not have the followers I have.  I thank you for your ideas, feedback and generosity to have me aboard.  I hope NaPoWriMo is giving Prefacme a lot of exposure this month.

Well, I have my 22nd poem to write for the month, and ummmmmm 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 people to contact regarding their nominations.  Please stay KonciouSLea tuned in.  Much love to you.


KonciouSLea written

About KonciouSLea

I'm KonciouSLea (Kenya Smith). I am a writer, spoken word poet and lover of all that is good and different. I love to write poetry and compete in slam competitions. I had 3 poems published in 2013 with Black Magnolias a Literary Journal. I have a plan for a series of childrens books (one already published under my gov name), and a couple of books of poetry (or more). You can find me on Facebook, here, Youtube and Fastpencil, Twitter, Instagram, Google+...and um maybe elsewhere. The title of my book of poetry (in the works) is Life in this Leather Jacket KonciouSLea Written. I hope you enjoy all that I have to much as I love to give it. You will find that my work is about my life and all that I encounter. If there is anything that I've penned that you would like to share please do so, but let me makes me feel good. I'm working on changing the tone of poetry to some degree. Not all is doom and gloom in my life...anymore, however it has been. Enjoy. Peace. View all posts by KonciouSLea

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